いやー大事ですよね 食べたら出る 当たり前の事ですが
どこに出す いやー大事ですよね
ここでは、きちょうな水 小だけなのに 水を使う もったないといいますか水がない
コンポストトイレを作ってみる事に決定その1 下地作り

強風でどんどん傾いてくる すきをみて
その2 セメントで固める これまたごりおし
border="0" alt="" />ここには、石だけは大量にあるので 石でベースを作りました。

上のバケツをとれば 穴が空いてと
その3 やはり ようをたす時はリラックスしてのぞみたいので壁やろな いまのままだと きもちいやろけど あやういよね (ていいますか犯罪に近い

"Now," I sez, "how do you want that door to swing? Openin' in or out?" He said he didn't know. So I sez it should open in. This is the way it works out: Place yourself in there. The door openin' in, say about forty-five degree. This gives you air and lets the sun beat in. Now, if you hear anybody comin', you can give it a quick shove with your foot and there you are. But if she swings out, where are you -- can't run the risk of havin' her open for air or sun, because if anyone comes, you can't get up off that seat, reach way around and grab'er without gettin' caught, now can you. He could see I was right. So I built his door like all my doors, swingin' in, and, of course, facin' east to get the full benefit of th' sun. And I tell you gentlemen, there ain't nothin' more restful than to get out there in the mornin', comfortable seated, with th' door about three-fourths open. The old sun beatin' in of you, sort of relaxes a body -- makes you feel m-i-g-h-t-y, m-i-g-h-t-y r-e-s-t-f-u-l.
-- Lem Putt, Specialist